Dragon Quest Walk Special Class Bagi Team Vs Larhalt

Dragon Quest Walk Special Class Bagi Team Vs Larhalt

Welcome to Dragon Quest Walk Tutorials!
In this video, I again will be doing a battle against Larhalt, but will be using a Special Class Bagi Team!
This Special Class Bagi Team is probably going to be the best team to use against Larhalt thanks to the effects of two of my weapons. Tempest Blow Kai and Dragon Storm both have effects that lower enemy Attack Power, which would make going through this battle much easier. My party will consist of a God Hand Attacker (46), God Hand Attacker (46), Archmage Spell Caster (44), and High Priest Healer (45).
If you would like the details about the characters, here is the information on their equipment and souls.

God Hand (Attacker) Equipment and Souls
Master Dragon Spear
竜の裁き Sky Dragon’s Judgement
MP Cost: 31 MP
Does 470% Bagi weapon damage to one enemy and 520% damage when your HP is under 50%

Golden Dragon Bandana
+5% Bagi Special Skill Damage

Master Dragon Armor (Chest)
+6 Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage
+3% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage (Sunny)

Master Dragon Armor (Leggings)
+6 Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage
+3% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage (Sunny)

Dragon Rider
+7% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage

+7% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage
+5% Mera Resistance

+5% Bagi Special Skill Damage

+10% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage
5% chance of reflecting spell back at the enemy

A Grade Soul Pearl 1
+7% Bagi Damage
+2% Critical Hit Rate
A Grade Soul Pearl 2
+7% Bagi Damage
+2% Critical Hit Rate

God Hand (Attacker) Equipment and Souls
Claw of Black Storm
テンペストブロウ改 Tempest Blow Kai
220% Bagi physical technique damage to one enemy two times and has a chance to lower the enemy attack power

Black Storm Hood
+45 Defense
+5% Bagi Special Skill Damage

Captain’s Coat (Chest)
+5% Bagi Special Skill Damage

Captain’s Coat (Leggings)
+5% Bagi Special Skill Damage

Dragon Rider
+7% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage

+7% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage
+5% Mera Resistance

+5% Bagi Special Skill Damage

+10% Bagi Weapon & Physical Technique Damage
5% chance of reflecting spell back at the enemy

A Grade Soul Pearl 1
+7% Bagi Damage
+2% Critical Hit Rate
A Grade Soul Pearl 2
+7% Bagi Damage
+2% Critical Hit Rate

Archmage (Spell Caster) Equipment and Souls
Dragon Staff
Dragon Storm
Using the power of dragons to raise the wind, this spell does massive Bagi spell damage to one enemy and sometimes lowers their attack power

Tiara of the God of the Creation of Light
+6% Bagi Spell Damage
+2% Bagi Spell Damage (Anytime other than Night)

Robes of the God of the Creation of Light (Chest)
+6% Bagi Spell Damage
+2% Bagi Spell Damage (Anytime other than Night)

Robes of Wisdom (Leggings)
+6% Bagi Spell Damage
+3% Bagi Spell Damage (Cloudy/Rainy)

Wight King
+10% Spell Damage
+10% Bagi Spell Damage
+10% Sleep Resistance

Garuda Lord
+7% Mera Spell Damage

Ice Fly
+3% Spell Damage
+10% Bagi Spell Damage

Underworld Beast King Nergel
+10% Spell Damage
+7% Bagi Spell Damage
Recover 20 HP at the start of your turn

S Grade Soul Pearl 1
+10% Bagi Damage
+3% Spell Crit Rate
S Grade Soul Pearl 2
+10% Bagi Damage
+20 Magic Power

High Priest (Healer) Equipment and Souls
Holy Wind Staff
A spell that recovers the HP of all party members
Angel’s Singing Voice
Singing like an angel, recovers a fallen party member with 50% HP

Holy Wind Crown
+4% HP Spell Recovery Effectiveness

Clift’s High Priest Clothes (Chest)
+5% HP Recovery Spell Effectiveness
+2% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness (High Priest)
+5% Mera Resistance

Clothes of Enlightenment (Leggings)
+3% HP Spell Recovery Effectiveness
Recover 5 MP at the start of your turn

+10% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness
+5% Spell Damage
+10% Mera Resistance
+2% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness (When HP is below 50%)

Destruction God Shido
+10% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness
+5% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness (When HP is under 20%)

Underworld Beast King Nergel
+7% HP Recovery Spell Effectiveness
Recover 20 HP at the start of your turn

+10% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness

S Grade Kagura Bell Soul Pear;
+12% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness
Recover 7 MP at the start of your turn
S Grade Soul Pearl
+10% HP Recovery Skill Effectiveness
+40 Max MP

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